You can find the PDF here.


University of California, San Diego (UCSD) – Sep.2022 ~ Mar.2024 (expected)

University of Electronic Science and Technology of China (UESTC) – Sep.2018 ~ Jun.2022


Yangye Fu, Ming Zhang, Xing Xu, Zuo Cao, Chao Ma, Yanli Ji, Kai Zuo, Huimin Lu; Partial Feature Selection and Alignment for Multi-Source Domain Adaptation; Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2021, pp. 16654-16663

Research Experience

Partial Feature Selection and Alignment for Multi-Source Domain Adaptation – May.2020 ~ Jun.2021

Working Experience

Sichuan Hwadee Information Technology Ltd. – Jun.2020 ~ Jul.2020

Crawler Engineer Intern; Company Homepage:; Chengdu, China

UESTC Center for Future Media – Oct.2019 ~ Jun.2022

Deep Learning Research Assistant; Laboratory Web:; Advisor: Xing Xu; Chengdu, China


Some Utility Tools

Cache Simulator – Nov.2023

FA Language – Aug.2023 ~ Nov.2023

Branch Predictor – Oct.2023

Ray Tracer – Jul.2023 ~ Aug.2023

Snek Compiler – Apr.2023 ~ Jun.2023

SurfStore: A Distributed and Decentralized File Synchronization System – Jan.2023 ~ Mar.2023

Nachos 5.0j – Oct.2022 ~ Dec.2022

File Backup System – Aug.2021 ~ Sept.2021

The Sieve of Prime Numbers and N-Body Simulation (Paralleled Computing) – Mar.2021 ~ May.2021

Applications and Challenges of Artificial Intelligence – Sept.2020 ~ Nov.2020

Image Retrieval Engine – May.2020 ~ Jul.2020

Convolutional Neural Networks for Visual Recognition – Jan.2020 ~ Feb.2020

Artificial Intelligence Poet System – Dec.2019 ~ Feb.2020

